As Indonesia is very prone to natural disasters, it is very important to have sufficient knowledge on how to mitigate and to overcome problems that may arise, and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has developed a Master Program in Natural Disaster, i.e., Master of Engineering in Natural Disaster Management (MTPBA).
Untuk menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran dalam bidang Humanitarian Engineering di UGM, telah dilaksanakan pembelian 1 (satu) set Interactive Multimedia Teaching Kit dari dana Erasmus+ ENHANCE (ENabling Humanitarian Attributes for Nurturing Community-based Engineering). Peralatan tersebut terdiri dari:
Perangkat digital untuk mengevaluasi kualitas lulusan program keteknikan
Setelah sukses dalam penyelenggaraan rangkaian workshop sebelumnya, Project ENHANCE akan menyelenggarakan seri kedua dari 5 workshop virtual tentang Pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan International Summer Course on Humanitarian Engineering: The Role of Engineers and Scientists During Pandemic Era, yang merupakan Kerjasama FT UGM dengan konsorsium Erasmus+ ENHANCE. International Summer Course ini didukung juga oleh Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) dan Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia sebagai Organizing Committee dalam kegiatan ini. Summer Course ini diselenggarakan selama 12 hari, yaitu pada tanggal 5 – 17 Juli 2021.
The ENHANCE project will be hosting three virtual workshops during the month of June, aimed at discussing and developing teaching practice within Higher Education Engineering Programmes. These will be of interest to anyone in a teaching position in a higher education setting, particularly within engineering, and are free to attend. There will be talks on the theory behind particular teaching methods along with interactive discussion based activities which will help you to envisage how they could be implemented within your own practice. All sessions are free, sign up via our Eventbrite links:
University of West Attica didukung oleh Progran ENHANCE menyelenggarakan Simposium “1st International Symposium on Humanitarian Engineering Challenges and Approaches” yang terdiri dari empat sesi selama 2 hari berturut turut yakni tanggal 18 dan 19 Mei 2021. Keempat sesi tersebut yaitu :
This summer course is targeted for Undergraduate and Graduate Students who have background or encouraging their enthusiasm in the study of engineering (in all departments/subjects) and scientists, especially those who are interested in the role of engineers during pandemic era of COVID-19. In addition, students who willing to broaden their window of knowledge into cross-discipline and inter-discipline in terms of humanitarian engineering are also welcome. Working people/ practitioner who are interested to participate in the event are very most welcome. The course will be transferable and equivalent to 3 credit units. Thus, all of participants are required to attend minimum 80% of courses, and to take the assessment (quiz) of each courses to get the certificate of attendance.