Berikut kami sampaikan tawaran program exchange dari Daejeon University, Korea dengan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa yang masih aktif kuliah. Deadline sangat terbatas, mohon dokumen pendaftaran lengkap (rangkap 2) disampaikan ke OIA Bulaksumur F13 paling lambat tanggal 12 Januari 2017.
International Affairs
These are the eligibility and benefits:
- All exchange students from UGM shall be in their third or final years of study.
- Exchange students will be exempt from paying tuttion fees to the host institution.
- Exchange students will be responsible for their own personal expenses, including travel, accommdation food, general living costs, and health care fees.
- Exchange students from UGM will receive a full financial support on accommodation. Montly living allowance (200,000KRW) from KOREATECH.
- The host insitution will send the home institution an academic record for each exchange student and credit will be given according to the regulations of the home institution
Theses are the major that KOREATECH offer:
You are a woman or a man of 18-28 years old. You are a student, a journalist, a blogger, a young researcher, a teacher or anyone else loving Science and promoting it to young people. France is actively looking for the best talents all over the world to promote Science:
We are glad to announce that Doctoral Program in Singapore (Ph.D. Singapore 2017) – 1st Batch JFY 2017 is NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATION.
Successful candidates will be supported 4 years scholarships at Singapore Host Institution (NTU and NUS), covering the following items:
Program ini akan diadakan pada tanggal 23 – 26 Oktober 2016 di Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University dan the University of the Philippines Diliman, dengan tema “ASEAN, Our Home: Youth Engagement towards a Shared Future.”
Fyi, delegasi menanggung biaya tiket pesawat pulang pergi dan asuransi perjalanan.
Ikuti Kuliah Umum oleh Prof. Dr. Bambang Rudyanto, M.Sc., Presentasi PT. Mandom dan Pendaftaran On The Spot Global Management Trainee Program di Fakultas Teknik, UGM.
Pada kuliah umum kali ini Prof. Bambang akan menjelaskan tentang Perkembangan Terkini Jepang dalam bidang Pendidikan, Bisnis dan Teknologi, serta pemaparan tentang peluang beasiswa ke Jepang dan teknik-teknik mendapatkannya berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan beliau selama ini.
Sebagai rangkaian kuliah umum ini akan dilakukan juga presentasi tentang peluang berkarir sebagai Global Management Trainee di PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk. Para MT akan dikirim langsung ke HQ Mandom Group di Osaka untuk belajar tentang skill dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang professional unggulan.
AUN/SEED-Net is pleased to announce that we open for application of DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAM IN JAPAN (Ph.D. Japan 2017).
Implementation Guideline, Application Form and Attachments are available at
It’s our pleasure to inform you that AUN/SEED-Net Graduate Degree Program Scholarship JFY 2017 is now open for applications for the following degree programs: