On behalf of College of Engineering (CoE), National Chung Cheng University (CCU), Taiwan, I am pleased to invite you to participate in our 2018 CCU/CoE International Summer School (please see the 2 attachments) which will be held during 25th July ~ 3rd August 2018. This summer school is designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students who are major in engineering or computer science.
International Affairs
Syarat Pendaftaran:
Mahasiswa S2 maupun Mahasiswa S1 Semester akhir untuk prodi yang ditawarkan ; Teknik Elektro, Teknologi Informasi, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan.
2nd call for 2018 summer internship. Intern students (mostly grade-3,-4 undergraduate) are expected to visit CCU during June to August for at least 8 weeks. For expenses, students should be self-supported for this 2nd call. The application deadline is March 19, 2018.
Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Study JFY 2018 is now opened for applications. AUN/SEED-Net welcomes applications from all academic staff and graduating doctoral students in Member Institutions to apply for this program.
The Implementation Guidelines and Application Forms are available http://www.seed-net.org/application-forms/.
AREAS and AREAS+ (Academic Relations between Europe and ASia) are Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 program.
AREAS provided scholarships to nationals of the targeted South-Eastern Asian countries (including Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam) to spend a mobility period in Europe on a wide variety of academic fields at different levels of study (Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Post-Doctorate and Staff) and have a chance to experience life, study, research or teaching in Europe from 1 to 34 months. At the same time, the project also provides opportunities for European professors, staff, and students to work and study in Asia. The project is spread across a wide range of disciplines from social to scientific, technical and managerial.
AUN/SEED-NET offers scholarships for Master and Doctoral Program, here are the details :
Chung-Ang University administers a wide range of student exchange programs with its partner schools around the world on a semestral or academic-year basis.
Students who want to study for a semester or a year can participate in the following regular academic programs:
UK University Masters and Ph.D Fair will be held at UC Club UGM on March 7, 2017 at 13.00-18.00.
There are 8 universities will be participated in this event. These are Unviersity of Bradford, University of Bradford; Cardiff University; Durham University; Harper Adams University; University of Wales Trinity Saint David; Swansea University dan University of East London.
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