Pembayaran BOP semester Genap TA 2015/2016 diperpanjang sampai dengan tanggal 29 April 2016 jam 14.00 WIB
Apabila melebihi batas waktu yang ditentukan tersebut, maka mahasiswa yang bersangkutan tidak bisa meneruskan kegiatan akademik pada semester genap tahun 2015/2016 (SKS mata kuliah/skripsi/ sll dibatalkan)
AUN/SEED-Net is pleased to announce that Intensive Course for Management of Technology (MOT) for JFY 2016 is now open for application!
Here is what you will learn.
- You will stay in Kuala Lumpur for 2 weeks during 31 July- 13 Aug 2016.
- You will learn Marketing, Intellectual Property, and Innovation applied for engineering faculty staff.
- You will visit companies and attend an industrial forum regarding University-Industry Collaboration during the course.
- And needless to say, you will have an opportunity to make relationship with faculty members from ASEAN leading universities who share the same interest as yours.
If you are an MI faculty staff and under 35 years of age and interested in the course, here is what you have to do
This is 6 weeks program starting from July 4th to August 12th and participants will study major course in higher education circumstance of CBNU, Korean language and cultural field trips.
All the fees including airfare, accommodation and program fee will be waived and student should only prepare their own living expense for 6 weeks.
The application deadline is May 9th, 2016.
Diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada, sehubungan dengan Pelaksanaan KKN-PPM Antar Semester Tahun 2016 kami sampaikan bahwa:
- Pemeriksaan kesehatan calon peserta dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 – 15 April 2016.
- Berkas hasil tes kesehatan diserahkan ke bagian akademik Fakultas pada tanggal 8 – 18 April 2016.
Apabila ada perubahan agenda, akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut.Demikian informasi yang dapat kami berikan, harap bisa menjadi periksa.
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program dapat diakses melalui : Pendaftaran secara online bisa langsung dilakukan oleh mahasiswa paling lambat 16 Mei 2016 (waktu Jepang), dengan cara mengirimkan dokumen soft file ke alamat email berikut :