University of West Attica didukung oleh Progran ENHANCE menyelenggarakan Simposium “1st International Symposium on Humanitarian Engineering Challenges and Approaches” yang terdiri dari empat sesi selama 2 hari berturut turut yakni tanggal 18 dan 19 Mei 2021. Keempat sesi tersebut yaitu :
Tim Reactics Chem-E-Car UGM berhasil meraih juara 2 dalam kompetisi Chem-E-Car yang diselenggarakan oleh Process Engineering & Energy Days (PGD) Universitas Indonesia 2021.
Tim Maskot Asian Games DTETI FT UGM raih juara 1 pada UIUX Competition CREATE-IN 2021 / Daring via Zoom / 23 April 2021 / Himpunan Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Tim ini terdiri dari 3 mahasiswa Teknologi Informasi FT UGM, yaitu Yusuf Helmy Hensyaputra, Dhimas Aji Suryakusuma, Amannia Rachmadiva Oktaderina.
Tim SEGER berhasil meraih juara 2 pada kompetisi ‘Brawijaya Science Competition 2021’ yang disenggarakan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya pada tanggal 25 Januari – 25 April 2021. Kompetisi ini bertema ‘The Potential and Challenges of Renewable Energy in Indonesia’ ini diikuti tim dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.
Sebagai bagian dari proses peningkatan pengetahuan, tenaga kependidikan FT UGM adakan diskusi berjudul “Potensi Korupsi di Perguruan Tinggi: mengenal dan menjadi penggerak pencegahannya”. Acara ini berlangsung pada Kamis, 22 April 2021 secara daring. Sebagai pemantik diskusi, hadir peneliti di Pusat Kajian Anti Korupsi FH UGM R. Moh. Zaenurrohman, dengan moderator tenaga kependidikan FT UGM Shinta Ayu Kusuma Wardhani.
SGLC-ERIC is a “melting pot”, an ecosystem with seamless collaboration mechanism for R&D processes aiming at innovative products or solutions that bring added values for their users. Therefore, we implement our spirit and strive to achieve our goals by holding several activities :
Euro-Asia Collaboration for Enhancing STEM (EASTEM) Education is an Erasmus+ capacity building project (Key Action 2) running from 2019–2022.

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on practice and experience to students by stimulating their critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative skills. The project aims to ensure that STEM education provides students with competencies relevant to the labour market, thus improving their employability. By exchanging best practices among European and Asian universities, each partner university can find inspiration to enhance STEM education at their institutions. This network of mutual exchange and learning will further the cooperation between EASTEM partners beyond the project’s lifetime.
Here we are, October 2018. A very special month for us, as it marks the first anniversary of the GECKO project. One year already and so much has already been achieved! As we prepare for the third consortium meeting that will take place in Madrid in November, this new issue of the GECKO newsletter is the perfect opportunity to give an overview of all that has been done by the partners this year and our goals for the months to come.
Sebanyak 164 wisudawan Pascasarjana FT UGM mengikuti upacara wisuda secara daring dan luring terbatas pada Kamis, 22 April 2021 di Balairung UGM.