PT Kansai Paint Indonesia, a company that manufactures paint for automotive, is commited to be the best company that providing the highest superiority of product within the range or requirement from customers.
Adalah Aditya Dharma Putra. Ia menjadi mahasiswa termuda dari 10.248 mahasiswa baru dalam penerimaan tahun ajaran 2011/2012 ini. Anak muda asal kota Bekasi ini ketika diterima di UGM, tepatnya di Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, baru berusia 14 tahun 11 bulan 27 hari.
Merupakan sarana Informasi dan Komunikasi Dunia Konstruksi baik Nasional maupun Internasional untuk :
- Menumbuhkembangkan kepercayaan dan kebanggaan masyarakat terhadap kemampuan pelaku Konstruksi Nasional dalam menghasilkan produk-produk Infrastruktur,
- Meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme para pelaku Konstruksi Nasional,
- Sebagai ajang promosi dalam rangka membangkitkan investasi dan gairah konstruksi Nasional.
Fakultas Teknik UGM kembali menggelar Syawalan Keluarga Besar Fakultas Teknik pada Selasa (6/9) di Plaza KPFT. Kegiatan tahunan tersebut dihadiri oleh seluruh sivitas akademika Fakultas Teknik mulai dari Rektor, para mantan Dekan, ketua dan anggota Senat, para pengurus Fakultas, para pengurus Jurusan, dosen, dharma wanita, ECC, karyawan, alumni, mahasiswa, punakarya dosen maupun karyawan, dan mitra Fakultas Teknik.
Kebutuhan minyak mentah 2010 mencapai 89 juta barrel per hari. Ini membuktikan bahwa kebutuhan manusia tidak bisa lepas dari bahan bakar fosil, sedangkan cadangan minyak fosil di dunia semakin menipis. Berbagai teknologi mulai dikembangkan guna menemukan sumber energi alternatif yang bisa menggantikan atau minimal menopang kebutuhan energi manusia. salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang mempunyai pasokan melimpah dan mempunyai peluang untuk menopang kebutuhan energi manusia adalah energi gas.
YOGYAKARTA - Suasana duka menyelimuti civitas akademika UGM. Salah satu putra terbaiknya telah berpulang. Ia adalah Prof. Ir. Morisco, Ph.D., yang dikenal sebagai salah satu pakar bambu di Indonesia. Guru Besar Fakultas Teknik ini meninggal dalam usia 66 tahun pada hari Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011 pukul 22.15 di Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita, Jakarta, setelah selama 4 minggu dirawat.
Objective of Symposium
The year 2011 marks a special occasion for Thailand, as the country will commemorate “The Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King’s 84th Birthday Anniversary” on December 5th, 2011.His Majesty the King Bhumipol Adulyadej is known as the founder of “the philosophy of sufficient economy for sustainability”. In regarding to H.M. the King’s philosophy, the technology for sustaining human life, welfare and prosperity will be very important role. In tribute to this special occasion, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand and the Institute of National Colleges of Technology (INCT), Japan, have mutual agreement to launch the symposium on technology for sustainability. The symposium aims to provide a general forum for enhancing interdisciplinary interactions, dialogue, and collaborations among students, researchers and faculty members. All the participants will get together at one place to present and exchange their research, development and innovative knowledge. The outcomes of this symposium should be the foundation of dissemination of researches on technology for sustainability of the nations. Students are strongly recommended to submit papers.
This convention includes 19th FEIAP General Assembly, FEIAP International Conference on Engineering Education and Accreditation, and Accreditation Workshop.
FEIAP Convention is the brainchild of the Executive Board with the objective to set the Convention as a platform for its member economies to share information on issues concerning education, continuing professional development and qualifications of engineers. The FEIAP Convention will be held once every two years.
As a platform for ASEAN Engineering scholars to publish their research papers, ASEAN Engineering Journal (ASEAN E.J.) supported by AUN/SEED-Net is established to fulfill the goal to strengthen the network and Engineering Education in the region.
The Journal is designed to be the collection of new and innovative knowledge emerged from ASEAN and functions as a foundation of dissemination of researches of the people in the region with the topics that fulfill the specified needs in the area.
Over the last three decades, its vision and commitment to quality made the Group a dominant player in the spheres it operates in. Today, Musim Mas has rapidly expanded into a large FULLY INTEGRATED PALM OIL CORPORATION.