Irwan Ferdiansyah, mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Fisika FT UGM (Prodi Teknik Nuklir 2007) telah memenangkan Tokyo Tech Indonesian Commitment Award, sebuah kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia di Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
Founded in 2010 by PPI Tokodai (an independent organization of Indonesian students studying in Tokyo Institute of Technology), the program was established to develop science and technology by promoting young student researchers and its researches, and does so through its support of research and scholarship.
TICA Golden Award Winner :
- Nur Ahmadi, Title: Implementation of Assertion Based Verification Method on Time Processing Unit (TPU) module of WiMAX Chipset (Electrical Eng.. ITB)
- Irwan Ferdiansyah, Title: Transient Coupled Neutronic-Thermal hydraulic Model Analysis of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (APWR) (Physics Eng. UGM)
- Ridho Prawiro, Title: Morphological Study of Rhizophora apiculata As Basic Development of Standard Space For Mangrove RhizophoraChitecture (MRaC) With Generative algorithm, (Architecture Eng., ITS)